Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Movement Against Hunger #2 - Be Grateful

I saw a documentary film at church about the movement against hunger in earth. Began with set in a fast food restaurant, and then turned to a group of teenager who were chatting while eating. Not too long after that they left the restaurant with the leftover food on the table. Then the scene focused into the restaurant kitchen, especially the trash  where the rest of the foods that had been consumed by the visitors located, and then there came a feeble old man with a rubbish basket, he took the rest of the junk foods and choose the parts that are not too dirty and still left quite a lot. He arrived home and was welcomed by five children poured out of the house with a face full of joy. And they were his children, the father opened the basket and the children scramble to take the leftover food restaurant. And they ate it. They ate the rest of the foods with a great happiness that glows from their eyes that night. And the most surprising part is the father didn’t forget to lead the prayer before the dinner and He said to his children to always give thanks for the food that they get. Then this film ended by the family laughter and smiles during the dinner…

"There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread."
-- Mohandas K. Gandhi

Heartbreaking, really.

Pathetic to see some people couldn't realize how lucky they are compared to people like the garbage picker man. Many people always feel dissatisfied and insufficient with what they currently have; they continuously compare their lives with people whose standards of living are much higher than theirs. Don’t they remember? There are many people whose life is far beneath the poverty threshold, who live under the bridges, survive with a bit of hopes and skills to obtain a bite of rice. Don’t they realize? Life would be better if they begin to be grateful for their lives; for what they currently have; for the things they get without asking; for convenience that anyone else don’t get; for excess food that they could afford.

Be grateful for your life now, for everything that affluent even excessive.

Change your view of life; take decision to be a better you. For those who suffer from hunger which snatched their happiness; for those who are in pain because starvation; for those who already taken; for those who keep smiling even though skin is the only thing that left overlying their bodies.

'The war against hunger is truly mankind's war of liberation."
-- John F. Kennedy

When you decide to help the hungry people by giving food that was formerly part of the food that you dispose uselessly , it mean you played a role in the movement against hunger. 13 million children are in hunger around the world and 40,000 people die every day from hunger. Make a change and be a part of few people that helped the starving.

"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life? There is no deficit in human resources. The deficit is in human will."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr
© Original made by Hana Novita Hasan

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