Saturday, October 01, 2011

Mommy and September

Recent song on played: Wake Me Up When September Ends – Green Day
 “Here comes the rain again…falling from the stars…drenched in my pain again…becoming who we are…”

Wake me up when September ends is the perfect theme song on this time if my life were a movie. Umm I know what is in your mind right now. It is my second blog post tonight & I just wrote this within half and an hour from the previous post, I’ve told you before…My mind will explode if I don’t write something up, got too much thought in my head and feels like I want to write it my heart and brain out tonight…but my eyes and hand won’t have enough strength to overcome this. So let’s get started…

October 1st, 2011
*feels like diary tehe*

Time goes so fast. It flies in a speed like a Concorde flew. Silent and genuinely fast. Goodbye September, Hello Beautiful October…I’m knocking on your door. Give me your sweetest welcoming and let me in by the time goes by. The first and always my number one wish on every month is Jesus please bless, guide and keep my parent save. Please, give long life and health to the two people I loved the most in this world after You, would You please give them protection and guidance to always be under Your protection and Your way. Then keep my family that hundreds kilometer apart from here. Mommy, Daddy, Lil sister, my dog, my grampa & nana there.

 Second, I want God to always be with me in every decision on my life that I make. Decisions in university matters, life and romance. I wish every decision I take won’t make my parents disappointed but proud of me, because I believe that my parents let go off me away from hometown not with cries and tears but with a lot of hope. Hope that one day their little girl become someone they can be proud of and carry the family name, because I don’t want to carry even one bit of disappointment from here. I want every single thing that I do make them proud.

Two wish that have included the entire wish that I wishing right now. Actually I got something to tell, that I should’ve told here in early September. I know this is late, way too late indeed.

Happy belated birthday to half of my soul, my favorite, my mood booster, my love and my wingless angel that is Mommy. I would not be here right now if it is not because of you. Thank you for seventeen years ago when you insisted on giving me birth even though your life is in danger. Thank you for the choice that you took that moment to keep fighting to get me out when I could not barely get out because I was born with feet first and my head stuck up, then all over my body turned to blue because I was almost out of breath. Thank you for the first nine months that was so precious, as a baby.

Thanks for the infinite love that you gave me; for the most sincere and unconditional love; for the incredible patience; for every door of forgiveness; for the opportunity you let me see the beauty of the world; for every strand of prayer you sent that you put my name into. Mommy, you are my role models because you are the strongest person that I have ever met in this world, maybe not in literally or physical sense but your heart. The one that is incredibly immovable and steadfast; yet so delicate and affectionate.

I want you to know that I love you as deep as the ocean, as high as the sky, as wide as the wide open ocean, somehow I regret old time when I did stupid things that lead you to anger, I’m sorry for that old times when once I act like I don’t care and make you angry. I really don’t want to. I really am. Sorry. You know I love you, even though I never say it through words but I show it through action not words. I know you can see that, I know. Thanks mommy, you know you’re always being my best friend like forever. I love every second that I spent with you, every talk and chitchat that we made, every late night phone call that we made, every joke that we turn into laugh, I don’t know is there any word that can express my feeling right now that more than thank you and I love you. Everything that you did; every word that you said; every hugged and kissed that you give me; will stay forever in my mind, brain and heart. For everything, thank you mom. You are the best. Ever.

"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness."  -Honoré de Balzac

"Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible."  -Marion C. Garretty, quoted in A Little Spoonful of Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul
"A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts."  -Washington Irving

Dedicated to the one and only the best mom ever: Dahlia Lukito Retno
Long life mommy :)

 Don't ever make your mom cry 
Cause without her, there would be no 'you'
Tons of love


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